Thank you for reading this website and this blog. We want to keep the community informed about how the project is progressing. From time to time, we’ll post items that we hope will accomplish that goal. Our first blog post is a timeline of activities from November 1 2016 to August 1 2017.
Nov. 1 2016: Initial meeting of invited stakeholders at Stratford Festival, with the decision to move forward
Nov. 7 2016: Survey sent to a wide variety of Stratford arts and culture groups; data compiled over the following two weeks
Nov. 21 2016: Initial meeting with Mayor Mathieson
Dec. 6 2016: Meeting of all arts and culture stakeholder representatives
Jan. 18 2017: Meeting with Mayor Mathieson and CAO Horne; Preliminary Proposal presented
Jan. 24 2017: Meeting of all arts and culture stakeholder representatives
Jan. to Apr. 2017 – Meetings of Steering Committee; decision to use the name Stratford Arts and Culture Collective (SACC) to refer to the 24 member groups
May 8 2017 - Details of consultation process led by Urban Strategies announced to City Council
May 11 2017 - Acceptance by Urban Strategies of SACC as stakeholder group
May 16 2017 - Meeting of extended SACC to hear presentation by CAO Rob Horne
May and June 2017 – Feedback to Urban Strategies via the Kitchen Table Kits and consultation roundtable
June to Sept. 2017 – Additional member groups join SACC; continued consultation with other stakeholder groups, consultants; citizens, ArtsBuild Ontario and others; work on Overview document continues for fall distribution; research continues on a variety of areas: arts as social connectors and their role in mental health and wellness; other models of community hubs and arts and culture centres; economic impact; municipal cultural plans
If you have feedback, please email us at